Moore Lockerbasket And Storage Systems
The Moore Co, Inc. has offered design solutions to the problem of hygienic clothing storage to industries around the world for over fifty years.
100% Ventilated Clothes Storage
Complete and Fully Integrated System
40% Reduction in Changeroom Building Costs
Bright, Open Changeroom
85% Open Floor Area
Lower Clean-Up Costs
Pilfer Proof
Visual Inspection
Mine Supply Company supplies some of the following Moore products:
Moorframe Prepunched Channels
Double Swivel Eye Cable Pulleys
Moore Polycore Cable
Chain Hoisting Assembly and Anchor Hook
Cushion Spring Assembly
Self-Ventilating LOCKERBASKET®
Locking Rail and Bench Support Units
Descent Control Device
Call us at 306.653.1056 or email to find out more.